Urban Legends with the Ghost Brothers

Casting Out Demons with Yamaneika Saunders

Episode Summary

There’s friendly spirits out there and spirits that woke up on the wrong side of the bed! We’re talking about demonic possessions. On today's episode, the brothers break down the story of Anneliese Michel, whose story is loosely based on the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. And later, comedian, actress, and writer, Yamaneika Saunders, shares a hair-raising cast out a demon story that will send shockwaves through your spine.

Episode Notes

There’s friendly spirits out there and spirits that woke up on the wrong side of the bed! We’re talking about demonic possessions. On today's episode, the brothers break down the story of Anneliese Michel, whose story is loosely based on the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. And later, comedian, actress, and writer, Yamaneika Saunders, shares a hair-raising cast out a demon story that will send shockwaves through your spine.

Find episode transcripts here: https://urban-legends-with-the-ghost-brothers.simplecast.com/episodes/casting-out-demons-with-yamaneika-saunders

Episode Transcription

Dalen Spratt: All right, y'all. Y'all already know what time it is.

Juwan Mass: Ooo! It is time for another episode of Urban Legends with the Ghost Brothers.

Marcus Harvey: The paranormal investigators, straight out of Atlanta. ATL shawty. This is your man, your homie from down the street, the Marcus Harvey.

Juwan: And you know who it is. It is the paranormal papi. I am Juwan Mass.

Marcus: Hey, you still going with this name? Because I mean, we like halfway through the season now and you still telling them that you, you know, nevermind, nevermind.

Dalen: Marcus, now you know Juwan ain't going nowhere with that name, but that ain't about him right now. 

Marcus: Mm-hmm. 

Dalen: It's about me. 

Marcus: Oh, it, oh, okay.

Dalen: The bad boy of paranormal himself. Dalen Cujo Spratt.

Juwan: Never heard that middle name.

But anyway, let's get into it. Today's urban legend.

Marcus: What are we getting into today, Mr. Paranormal papi.

Juwan:. Today's story is about exorcisms. Specifically Anneliese Michel's story.

Dalen: Wait, hold on, wait, wait. Isn't that like the exorcism of Emily Rose? The movie? Wasn't that like based off her?

Juwan: See, can't get nothing past you huh, Dalen?

Dalen: Hey man, listen man. I told y'all I know my stuff. I'm educated. 

Juwan: I know that's right. But this movie, it's loosely based of what happened to her. Now Anneliese's story is real. This really happened to her, but they don't know if demons or a mental issue possessed her.

So we're gonna get into that.

And today we have a very special guest in the house. Yamaneika Saunders. You know, she's a comedian with a list of credits. Marcus, I know you know her. 

Marcus: That's my homie. 

Juwan: Yeah, I mean from Comedy Central to Netflix to NBC. So today we can't wait to hear about her cast out a demon story.

Marcus: Wait, wait, wait, wait. My homegirl, Yamaneika got a cast out a demon type of story? Because, I mean, that sounds spooky and I know her from a lot of things, but I didn't know she knew about them demons getting cast out.

Dalen: I tell you this. I'm definitely looking forward to talking to her.

Juwan: You can't wait, huh?

Dalen: Hey, man. Listen bro. Anybody talking about casting demons out.

Marcus: You ready?

Dalen: I got my notebook open.

Juwan and Marcus: Ooh!

Juwan: All right, let's jump into it. 

[THEME OUT: Ghost Brothers Asha Theme]

Juwan: Born in Germany in 1952. Annalease Michel.

Marcus: Another international story?

Dalen: Listen man, we taking it overseas. 

Marcus: We overseas, baby. We getting international.   

Juwan: You already know. But listen, she was born there and grew up in a religious household, so y'all know we can relate, right?

Marcus: Mm-hmm.

Juwan: A Catholic one though, and she used to go to mass like, two times a week and it was a family staple to her.

Dalen: Which as you probably know, exorcisms are very, very big in the church.

Juwan: Right. Anyway, after having a series of convulsions at 16 years old, a doctor actually diagnosed her with temporal lobe epilepsy, which essentially means she started having seizures.

They put her on medication, and she enrolled in college a few years later.

Marcus: Alright, alright. Things are starting to look up.

Dalen: I mean, say, bro, if you’re having seizures and epilepsy, bro, like, you know what I'm saying? You take the proper medication and the things start looking up.  I would feel like - 

Marcus: You can go to college.

Dalen: I could go to college, bro.

Marcus: Let’s go.

[Music in: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Juwan: Not exactly. Fellas, hold on. The medication didn't really help. She started seeing demon-like faces. 

Dalen: Oh, wow!

Marcus: Ooh!

Juwan: Yeah. And believed she was possessed by one. She felt like it told her she was damned and would rot in hell. And remember guys, she was religious, so you know, what did she do?

Dalen: I know one thing. What I would've did.

Juwan: What would you do?

Dalen: I would've been praying to God! 

Juwan:The Almighty! 

Dalen: Jesus! 

Juwan: Himself! 

Dalen:  And the Holy Spirit!

Juwan: That's right, fellas, but the demon said this stuff while she was actually praying. 

[Music out: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Marcus: Oh, okay. That's an aggressive one.

Dalen: Wait, wait, wait. So you telling me while this woman was praying, the demon was like, dodging them prayers like he was playing dodgeball?

Juwan: Bro, interrupting them prayers and after reaching out to different priests for help, one finally said, let me see what I could do for you.

He believed she was possessed and wanted to perform an exorcism.

So he got the permission from a local bishop, and the bishop got one of his priests to do it.

Dalen: So, here's my thing. I feel like no pastor, priests, like anybody like that should ever turn you down. 

If you possessed and you need somebody to help you get unpossessed.

Juwan: Listen. 

Marcus: Mm-hmm. 

Juwan: The number is 67.

Marcus: Okay.

Juwan: You know what that is? 

[Music in: Ghost Brothers Transition 2]

Marcus: No, just a random number?

Juwan: No, that's how many exorcisms they performed on her in 10 months.

Marcus: Oh, okay. That, that, that thing don't want to come out.

Dalen: That means, okay. 10 months, they did 67 exorcisms.

Marcus: Divide that. 

Juwan: How many is that a month?

Dalen: That is literally at least six per month.

Every week they were having exorcisms on this woman. It was like a Tuesday thing.

Marcus: Yeah. 

Dalen: Sometimes twice a week.

Marcus: All right. Now it was actually like service.

Dalen: Right? Hey, we finna go ahead and go to Tanya's house. 

Marcus: Go to Tanya’s house.

Dalen: Finna go to Anneleise’s house.

[Music out: Ghost Brothers Transition 2]

Marcus: You know that thing? It didn't stick last time. It didn't take last time. 

Juwan: Man, some of them were actually up to like four hours long.

Marcus: No, that sounds about the same - 

Dalen: That's a part-time job, man.

Marcus: That's a church. 

Juwan: No, that's and guys,

Marcus: That’s a black church service.

That's before praise and worship.

Juwan: This was her only treatment. Like she stopped going to the doctor.

Dalen: They didn't give her no Robitussin?

Juwan: The demons tried to take control of her body. I mean, she broke bones. They communicated from her with like a type of a growl, like she was really possessed. 

Dalen: Wait, wait, wait. How she break bones? They don't even take it to the doctor. They ain't putting no bandaid on it?

Juwan: Nope.

Marcus: She gonna walk it off.

Dalen: Right.

Marcus: They done seen it a couple times.

Dalen: Go ahead and drink this ginger ale. You know ginger ale take care of everything. 

Juwan: And tussin’. 

Marcus: And tussin’. That is crazy, man.

Juwan: So they tried to help her, but eventually she stopped eating and actually died at sixty-six pounds from this malnutrition crazy part is, the state she lived in said her death could have been prevented if she went to a doctor, so they took the priest and her parents to court

Dalen: As they should.

Juwan: Charged them with negligent homicide. 

Dalen: Yep. 

Juwan: And during the trial, the doctor said she wasn't possessed. It was a combination of her strict religious upbringing and epilepsy. The priests and parents were found guilty. And guess what they were given? Probation.

Dalen: Bro, I'm gonna tell you why that's messed up.

Marcus: Dang!

Dalen: Because you remember, remember when we went to the Roth house .

Marcus: Mm-hmm. 

Dalen: And there was that story about that little girl man who was having like, those psychosis and those breakouts.

Juwan: Right.

Dalen: And her dad didn't know what to do and thought she was possessed and put her in a home.

Juwan: Mm-hmm.

Marcus: Mm-hmm.

Dalen: And she ended up passing away behind that man. And it's just like, it's just crazy. Like back in the day, you just don't know, like a lot of mental illness and things were, you know, attributed to demonic activity and possessions.

Marcus: And it was just you were having a seizure. A seizure.

Dalen: Bro. That's it.

Juwan: Mm.

But like, did y'all ever have any experiences where y'all witnessed, uh, like an exorcism or y'all knew somebody that like performed one?

Dalen: Bro. I told y'all, man, my mama.

Marcus: Yeah.

Dalen: Say growing up in a church all day long, I saw my mama cast. We ain't call it exorcisms.

Marcus: No, it’s casting out demons. 

Dalen: Never at one point in my life have I ever heard them call it exorcism.

Marcus: Black folks don't call it that.

Dalen: They don't play with that word.

Marcus: We call it casting out demons.

[Music in: Ghost Brothers Transition 1] 

Dalen: Yeah, casting out spirits, man.

Marcus: Yeah, you cast 'em out.

Dalen: So that was normal to me, bro. Like I never once thought that that was like not normal.

It wasn't until one time that I brought a friend to my church and when people start shouting and dancing, he was like nervous.  I was like, bro, this is light work. 

Marcus: Oh wait, wait, wait. This is only the first service. 

[Music: Ghost Brothers Ad Break 3]

Juwan: Man, but look, people all over the world try to perform exorcisms. It seems like demonic possessions can happen and like I said, it's a pretty big topic in the church. At the end of the day, those, it happens to just want to be free from a crazy spirit that's trying to control their body. You feel me?

But in the meantime, we actually gonna take a break and when we come back we're gonna talk to Yamaneika. 


[Music: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Marcus: All right, we are back with my homie, my sister Yamaneika Saunders! Welcome to the podcast!

Yamaneika: Hello! Thanks for having me.

Marcus: The great, the great, the great standup goddess, all those things. What's up, sis?

Yamaneika: I just got back from the gym and, You know, I was lifting some heavy weights today, so I'm ready to go ahead and release a lot of things.

Dalen: I understand. She sounded like me in the gym. I just started working out the other day. I always throw it in conversation. I don't care what you say to me. You know I just left the gym.

Yamaneika: Yeah, I put in work.

Juwan: But look, let's kind of get into this Yamaneika, you know, we're into the paranormal, you know, we go to different haunted locations and seeing if ghosts exist and what our experience is. So curious, how do you feel about the paranormal? Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever had any experiences?

Yamaneika: Yeah, I mean, I’ve had a few experiences. Some of them, I'm not sure if they were based in reality, cause some were like, when I was young, I had an imaginary friend, so I was kind of out there mentally.

Dalen: How old are we talking? 

Yamaneika: I had an imaginary friend until I was about 10, to be honest with you. And my grandmother thought it was weird. 

I don't really remember when the transition was, where I realized it was a figment of my imagination. So it wasn't like I was 10 and thinking that that was really somebody.

I grew up an only child, even though I have half sisters, and you know, I was very much a loner and as much as I talk, believe it or not, I didn't talk until like the age of two or three. My mother thought something was wrong. That's how I got into theater cause she put me in the acting classes to get me to have something to say.

So, I was pretty tuned in to a lot of things that were supernatural when I was a kid. But again, you know, when you're a child, you don't know how much is your imagination and how much is, you know, you really experienced this thing.

Dalen: You know, it's a theory that says that kids and imaginary friends are really them speaking to spirits. You know what I mean? 

And once they hit a certain age, you know, that spirit either leaves or transitions or whatever. And then that child is so young, they just don't really ever think about it, or they can't express what they thought it was.

So that's interesting. I wonder if you really were just in your head, or did you have  some sort of an attachment?

Yamaneika: I don't know. One thing that I remember very vividly, but it could have been like a dream, but it reoccurred numerous times. I was very, very young cuz it was still like a - remember those diaper bags that they would hang off the crib and they would stack the diapers in there?

And I just remember that turning into something that was very menacing and speaking to me. I just remember his face being like white and it had black lips, like very painted and it would come to me at night. I don't know if that was a nightmare or if that was really something that I had seen as a child.

Dalen: Yeah. Yeah.

Marcus: That's deep. What do you think about demons? I know like black folks, listen cause you know, when we got into the paranormal, you know, we were like the first people to get into it and they like, you know, black folks don't do no ghost hunting. I was like, now we believe in ghosts. We believe in the holy ghosts, but maybe not all ghosts.

Do you have any thoughts on demons and things of that nature in the paranormal as well as in the spiritual world?

Yamaneika: Yeah, I mean, my grandmother was a pastor. My grandfather was a pastor. They were constantly casting out demons.

I wanted to share the story. I was glad to come on and, and talk about this experience with my grandmother and grandfather. It was one of the most spectacular, but scary things I've ever experienced in my life.

We have a neighbor when I was growing up and she was having problems with her husband. They were still married, you know, old, you know how old school people are. They ain't going get a divorce.

Marcus: No divorce.

Juwan: They’ll sleep in separate rooms before that happens. 

Yamaneika: Right. They'll do separate rooms. They'll split the refrigerator, but they're gonna stay in the house.

Marcus: They hated each other, hated each other for years. 

Yamaneika: Yes. 

Marcus: Till the end.

Yamaneika: So the house phone was ringing like maybe around 11:30 or so. Close to midnight. And, I hear my grandmother on the phone and she, you know, my grandmother's very theatrical like me, you know, oh Lord, what? No, help, child! No, Lord! And so I didn't pay it no mind cause she, this is how she always gets down. And then maybe about 10 minutes later, still hooping and hollering and I hear all this rummaging down in the kitchen. I hear the door open and I'm thinking to myself. Why's the door opening? 

So, I hear her and I'm kind of in and out of going to sleep and I get rustled out of my sleep. Maybe it's 20 or so minutes later.

I hear all this screaming and hollering outside. I see my grandmother directly across the street at the doorway of our neighbor's house holding on for dear life. She's screaming and hollering and she can't get in the door. So all of a sudden I ran downstairs. Cause I'm like, I don't, I have no idea what's happening. As I come downstairs, my grandmother comes back, runs right past me, goes upstairs, gets my grandfather.

She's screaming and hollering, “Ned, you gotta get up. You gotta get up. We got - there’s this strong demon across the street. We gotta get up, we gotta take care of the demon.” So my grandfather, they're like night and day, right? So my grandmother is all the theatrics. My grandfather wasn't like that, he was regular. 

He's like, “Come on now. All this nonsense. What's, what's happening?” She said, “No, Ned,” she said, “You gotta get the prayer oil. We gotta go over there. There’s a sick demon.”

And I just remember my grandmother, she had some little aluminum foil in her hands. I don't know what she -  she had a knife. She had a spatula. 

So I'm like, “What's going on?” She's telling me, “Don't come over there. Stay cause your faith is not strong enough, you can't go over there.”

So they get over there and my grandfather gets across the street, I see him at the door wrestling. Oh lord Jesus. He said, “Oh Jesus Lord!”

Marcus: Oh snap!

Yamaneika: I said, oh my God. So now, my aunt.  I have to wake my aunt up. My aunt has special needs, okay? I said, “Jackie, we gotta go help grandma and grandpa.” Her hearing aids going off, we try to get across the street. My grandma telling me, “No!”, they were fighting. They’re screaming and hollering. They’re throwing oil everywhere. 

And when I tell you it felt like an eternity, but maybe it was like five minutes.

Juwan:  Yeah.

Yamaneika: They finally got in that house and they closed the door. So now me and my aunt are running over there. I'm banging on the door. My grandmother says, “Get outta here! Get outta here!”

Now, our neighbor, she's screaming, hooting and hollering. My grandmother opened the door up. She see us standing there. She's like, “Get out! The demons! Get out! Get out!” We move to the side. She pushing everything out and it was the craziest thing, but I felt some weird energy over there, too.

This went on for at least three hours. Me and my aunt, we didn't know what to do. We were so nervous. Finally, they came out, my neighbor came out with them and my grandmother said, “We gotta take her over to the house.” We had to clean her in the street, you know, clean her spirit off.

They said that the house gotta set. They gotta let the Lord go in there and clean up the spirits in there. Here’s the short of it, right. Number one. The next day they tried to go back to real life.

Dalen: Right.

Marcus: Like it was all good.

Yamaneika: I said, no. I said, “Are we gonna talk about last night?” My grandmother said, “No, we are not gonna talk about that.”

“We not gonna talk about it yet, because the spirit's still working.” So about a week goes by. My grandmother comes in, she said, “I'll tell you what happened.” Finally, My grandmother said, “The reason why there was a demon in the house..” Now this is wild.

Marcus: Oh, so she just leads with the reason why there was a demon in the house.

Yamaneika: This is why there was a demon in the house. 

Juwan: Had y'all undivided attention ready?

Yamaneika: Undivided. And she told us that she had gotten a call from our neighbor, that the woman was suffocating. She wasn’t able to breathe. 

She didn't know who to call, so she called my grandmother, which is crazy cuz just call 911. But you know, we right across the street.

Dalen: Cause it's way less numbers.

Marcus: There's just three of those numbers.

Yamaneika: Right, right, right. But you know, old school people, they knew. They knew everybody. Oh, you know Shirley number 5, 5 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7. So she called my grandmother.

My grandmother was down there. She said she was praying with her to release the spirit off of her throat. Finally, my grandmother went over there cause she still wasn't getting enough air in to help her. She said, make it to the door, let me in. My grandmother said there was something stopping her from going inside the house.

It started to suffocate her.

So she told our neighbor to stand there and wait, and then she wanted to get my grandfather because she said she needed more spiritual warfare there to get those demons.

She said my, my faith wasn't, you know, I was still watching Martin and In Living Color and stuff, so I wasn't. 

Marcus: You wasn't really ready.

Yamaneika: You know, I wasn't ready, ready to fight.

Marcus: They was gonna jump on your ass. They was gonna jump on your ass and they gonna be like, what’s up!

Yamaneika: Right, right, right. So my grandfather, he was saying that he also was suffocating when he got to the door and he said he only went over there because my grandmother is hysterical and he thought it was some nonsense and he was going to shush all this up cuz it was damn near midnight. He said when he got there, he realized how thick everything was and they just had to go into intercessory prayer right there at the door. So then when they finally prayed enough to get whatever was happening at the door, they went in, they closed, and they went in and they prayed all over the house.

That's why every room, they said they had to go in and clear it, and clear it, and clear it. 

Juwan: Did they feel like they met that same presence in every room? 

Yamaneika: In every room. Now, here's what the deal was. Our neighbor and her husband, they were still married, but they had separated the house up. He had a section, she had a section. My grandmother said that what she believes was happening is this man was having young girls come into the house doing God knows what with him.

My grandmother says she believes that he presented that spirit to take our neighbor out, because my grandmother said when they went from room to room to room, praying that demon out, as loud as they was, they got over to his room and he was sound asleep.

Juwan:  Mmm.

Marcus: Wow.

Juwan: Because y'all could hear it from across the street.

Yamaneika: Of course! We had neighbors coming out that was looking and stuff, but they know how my grandmother get down, so nobody came and disturbed us, but you know, they checking to see.

She took the oil. She threw the oil on all over his bed, just threw it over him. Still, the man didn't move. Finally, my grandmother said, this is the demon. 

Yamaneika: He's the demon. He's the demon.

Marcus:   He's the demon.

Yamaneika: My grandmother said, you gotta get him out of this house or you are never gonna have no rest.

She said the day he was out of that house, she had the best sleep of her life.

Marcus: Dang!

Yamaneika: So it's a life lesson that I learned very early on, right?

Is get rid of the darkness in your life. I believe in that.

Dalen: Man, I'm just listening to you speak and you know, I always try to find a joke in everything. That’s just the way I operate. Just to, you know, smooth moments over, but I couldn't while you were talking because everything that you're saying, I grew up with that.

So my mother has been the head pastor of my church since I was in the third grade, but before the third grade, she used to hold bible studies at our house. So literally, it would be people coming in and outta our house for prayer all the time. So I've seen what you are talking about with my own eyes multiple times of people getting spirits casted out of them. 

Cause I grew up in a church with people speaking in tongues, people shouting, people literally getting spirits casted out of 'em. I remember one time being at church sitting in the front row and this lady had a spirit on her. Bro, it took three grown men to hold her down.

The craziest part about it 

Marcus: Yeah.

Dalen:  Is that as soon as it's over, the person who was inflicted. 

Marcus: Is right back. 

Dalen:  Bro, right back. 

Marcus: To who they were.

I used to be like an armor bearer. So I used to be my pastor's right hand man. So literally we would be in services, and this is like one of the non-denominational Detroit churches.

And we had the same type of situation, man. We were in the front row, man. And like this, like this lady I'm talking about she was bent backwards.

Dalen: Oh wow. 

Marcus: Like, I've never seen a person bend that way. 

Juwan: Mm-hmm..

Marcus: And started walking that way.

Dalen: Bro, that's wild. That’s wild.  

Marcus: Yamaneika we appreciate you sis. I got one more question before you leave, before we bounce. 

Yamaneika: Yes.

Marcus: If you were to become a ghost, where would you be haunting?

Dalen: Hmm. Where or who would you haunt?

Juwan: Or who? 

Marcus: Or who. Where, who and why?

Juwan: What would you be wearing? Because I feel like everybody wants to know like -

Marcus: Yeah.

Juwan: What’s your ghost outfit?

Marcus: What's your ghost outfit?

Juwan: Yeah.

Yamaneika: You know what, I like chains.

Dalen: Ok.

Yamaneika: Cause I like to come in stomping with some noise, you know? But the chains would be pink. I would do that. You know, I think, if I was a ghost, I would go to people who were hurting

And just be with them, comfort them. There's so many people that are alone, people who are going through things emotionally.

I think I would be like a nice ghost.

I would be concerned if I was a ghost, cause that meant that I didn't make it to the next ascension. So-

Juwan: Maybe there was a, maybe there was a line and so like you was just kinda waiting your turn.

Dalen: Waiting for your buzzer to get called.

Marcus: I mean, you're using great usage of your time. You're, you're, you started a, a, a ghost nonprofit where you -

Juwan: A ghost FundMe?

Marcus: No, these ghosts, we actually go share our ghostly spirits with these elderly people in there.

That's a ghost nonprofit. I think you should really go with that.

Yamaneika: Yea, I would love, I would love that. I wanna say this one thing before I go though, just. And I'm glad we had time to, to laugh, as well. This is serious, for me, it's very serious. 

Be very aware of the energy that transfers, because a lot of times people engage and want to help people and there's no reciprocity in what's happening. So you are just getting the vibe from them and it has to go somewhere.

Juwan: Right, right.

Yamaneika: And I think that's how a lot of people find themselves to be depleted. So be very aware of that.

Dalen: Man, listen.

Marcus: That's real. Yamaneika, we truly appreciate you my love.

Yamaneika: Thank you.

Marcus: This was amazing. Thank you for sharing with us your great experience. That was wild. 

We appreciate you for being honest and open and sharing with us, you know, cuz you know, us in the paranormal as being brothers. You know, folks be like, they don't think that this is something that other black people have had or have any type of awareness of the spiritual and the paranormal world.

So it's just dope to see like, you know, some of the greats even also understanding their roots and touching, you know, the other side, too. So truly appreciate you. 

Juwan: We appreciate you. What you said today definitely resonated and one of the things I took away is just, you know, energy is real. But yo, before we go, tell the people where we can find you.

What's your social media? What you got going next? Yea..

Yamaneika: You can find me on everything at Yamaneika.

And, if you're ever in New York City, I'm, you know, normally at the Comedy Cellar, so, you know, just hit me up.

Marcus: And don't they see you on Comedy Hype every Wednesday too.

Yamaneika: Oh, yes. How could I forget, Marcus!

Marcus:. We love you, Yamaneika. We truly appreciate you. 

Yamaneika: I love you guys too. Thank you.

Dalen: Appreciate you. Thank you.

Juwan: Thank you for your time. Have a good one.

[Music in: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Marcus: All right guys, we are back at it with a new game of the old game that we always play called, Never Have I Ever. Are you guys ready?

Dalen: Am I ready to make love?

Marcus: Yes!

Juwan: I'm good. Let's go. Yeah.

Marcus: Yeah! Okay. Okay. 100%. Let's go. Okay. You guys ready?

Dalen: Yep.

Juwan: Sure.

[Music out: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Marcus: Question one. Never have I ever been scared to watch a scary movie by myself, like the exorcism of Emily Rose.

Juwan: Um, I've been scared to watch a scary movie by myself for sure. 

Dalen: I definitely have and recently.

Juwan: Recently.

Marcus: What was that? What was it?

Juwan: What was the movie?

Dalen: I was trying to watch, um, it was like American Horror Story or something, bro. It was just late at night. I had just gotten in from the garage.

Bro, I just feel like the movies come to life, man. After two o'clock in the morning

Marcus: All right. Okay. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Next question.

Never have I ever tried to cast a spirit out of someone or someplace. Cause I thought they or slash it were being possessed.

Juwan: I can say right now I haven't, Dalen hasn't. But Marcus, I know you remember this in the episode of Haunted Houseguests where you got into that prayer battle.

Marcus: Oh, it was a prayer. It was a prayer off.

Dalen: Was a prayer off?

Juwan: Y'all was trying to cleanse that room or that demon.

Marcus: She tried to overstep her prayer boundaries. I was leading the prayer and then she gonna just try to come in and oh roho tao over me. You know. nuh-uh. You ain't going to overspeak me and I can speak in tongues.

Juwan: What's crazy is y'all got to battling, but y'all's both intentions were to try to like, help this family. I'm trying to figure out - 

Marcus: No, my intention was to win the prayer battle.

Dalen: Oh, your intention was to beat this lady at prayer?

Marcus: Yea, she wasn't gonna beat me on my own show. That was not gonna happen. 

I was like no, my pastor watching this.

Juwan: Yeah. And you don't wanna let 'em down.

Marcus: And I can't let 'em down. I've been in too many intercessory prayer conferences to not know what to do.

Dalen: You've been on too many usher boards?

Marcus: ,I've been too many assignments. All right guys, here we go. Here we go. Last one, never have I ever heard some kind of demon trying to talk to me.

Juwan: Hmm.

Dalen: Man. Hey, when we first started doing Ghost Brothers, man,

Juwan: Mm.

Dalen: My homegirl called me up one day and she was like, Dalen, your mother's a pastor. I need her to come to my house. And I was like, why? She said she had just had a baby. And she said that every time that she would be upstairs, she would hear a voice loud as day telling her to throw the baby over the banister.

Marcus: Oh no.

Dalen: Yeah, she was like, Dalen, I know people say about, you know, postpartum depression, all of that. She was like, it's not that. I hear this voice loud and clear every time I'm holding my baby and I walk upstairs past the banister. And my mom had to go over there, bro. 

Juwan: She worked it out?

Dalen: Yeah. 

Marcus: Of course, she had to go over there.  

Dalen: Yeah, cause you can't not.

Marcus: You can't not.

Dalen: Cause you're like a doctor at that point. You can't turn down medical service.

Marcus: I gotta go over there and cast that demon out or take that baby.

[Music in: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Marcus: Okay. All right guys, well, that's what we have for the game.  Y'all know what time it is. Juwan, what time is it?

Juwan: It's time for a listener submission! 

[Music out: Ghost Brothers Transition 1]

Pandora: Hey guys. My name is Pandora. I'm from Oklahoma. I have an amateur paranormal team with my husband, Paranormal Wasteland. Shout out to our own team. We were actually at Missouri State Penitentiary, this past November. Super cold. We were down in 3D where they kept like criminally insane.

And, so we had set up a mag light, which is the flashlight that you can turn it on and off by twisting it. And we had cat ball toys that if you just touch 'em, they light up. And, we were asking a bunch of questions and like on the spot every time, responses to our questions by using both of the devices and whenever one of the cat balls lit up, my husband and, a girl that we didn't even know, they both said that they saw something crawling on the ground, like a shadow crawling on the ground.

So that was freaky. And then we kept on asking questions and then I felt what was like a lit cigarette being dragged down the back of my neck. And I looked and there was this big scratch mark and so we got the heck out of there. We actually returned later that night. Everyone else had gone cuz it was so cold.

We were the only two people left investigating. We went back and we were standing at the top of the stairs looking down, deciding whether to go down or not, and then we heard people talking. There was no one there, so we decided to just leave. Thanks guys.

Juwan: Can you empathize with seeing a shadow figure crawl in a haunted location?

Dalen:That's frightening. I ain't gonna lie to you, bro. I would rather get burnt. I would rather get burnt with a lit black and mild, before I sit there and watch something crawl. So we're, so if it's crawling like that, it's not human like.

Juwan: Oh yeah, it's, it's,

Dalen: So, we're talking like The Ring.

Juwan: Shapeshifter. 

Dalen: Oh, burn me. Burn me. Get, listen, get you a cool 100. A slim 100.

Juwan: So you'd rather take a menthol to the back of the neck.

Dalen: I'd take a, I’d take a menthol to the back of the neck before I see something crawling across the floor.  

Dalen: 100%

Juwan: A shadow figure scurry in your direction.

Dalen: 100%

Juwan: What got me though was like, they actually had evidence of it coming that way, like cat balls will lighten up along the way. So it's coming towards you? 

Dalen: Yeah. 

Juwan: And you just taking it.

Dalen: Hell no. Menthol. Me. Menthol.

Juwan: Menthol. All right. Well y'all hear it here first. Dalen would take a Newport. 

Dalen: Say it ain't too many places you could stick that Newport on me, bro.

That I wouldn't take before seeing that thing crawl up on my ass.

Juwan: So he'll take his chance with a new, with a, with a, with a loose cig.

Dalen: With a Lucy.

Juwan: With a Lucy over a shapeshifting shadow figure. 

Dalen: Hey y'all out there in podcast land. Let us know.

Would you rather take a lit lucy to your ass or a loose, what you call it?

Juwan: It's a or a, or a shapeshifting shadow figure on the loose.

Dalen: Ooh! Coming towards your ass and you don't know what his intentions are.

Juwan: Hey, you just better hide your ass.

Dalen: Hide your ass.

Juwan: Well thank you so much for that listener submission. Man. If you got more, please send them our way cuz you know the Ghost Brothers are going to give you that real.

Dalen: And it may or may not make sense, but we are award-winning.

[THEME IN: Ghost Brothers Asha Theme]

Dalen: All right, y'all. That's all we have for you legends today.

Marcus: Yeah, you finally coming around, aren't ya.

Juwan: Hope y'all enjoyed it. I need you guys to subscribe. And I need you to rate us. We want five stars.

Marcus: Yes, and don't forget, we love to hear from you guys, our listeners, so please send in your stories to GhostBrothersPodcast.com.

That is GhostBrothersPodcast.com. You know what to do.

Dalen: And until next time, see you later!

Juwan: Peace, love, and paranormal.

Marcus: See y'all next week!

Urban Legends with the Ghost Brothers is produced by Neon Hum Media for Discovery Plus.

You can follow our show wherever you get your podcasts, and we'd love it if you could take a second to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. 

For Discovery +, our executive producer are Michael DiSalvo and Ali Read. 

At Neon Hum, our Executive Producer is Shara Morris.

Our lead producer is Charis Satchell. 

Our associate producer are Navani Otero and Anne Lim. 

Our production manager is Samantha Allison. 

Music by Asha Iwanowicz. 

Concept by Odelia Rubin and Shara Morris.

Our engineers are Hansdale Hsu, Max Unruh and Laila Williams.

[THEME OUT: Ghost Brothers Asha Theme]